Microsoft Stops Paying For Employees' iPhones Microsoft Stops Paying For Employees' iPhones

Sunday 14 June 2009

Microsoft Stops Paying For Employees' iPhones

MP3, MP4 Players, Accessories, Ear Plugs, Head Phones, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB: "

Microsoft Stops Paying For Employees' iPhones

For instance, Microsoft won't pay for its employees' Apple (AAPL) iPhone data service plans anymore, even if they're used significantly for work purposes. Nor will it pay for Research In Motion (RIMM) BlackBerry service, or a new Palm Pre. ...

Review: iphone 3GS vs LG Viewty Smart GC900

LG is highly inspired by the Apple iphone, its bar shaped touchscreen offerings like Prada, Cookie, Viewty etc have been good but certainly not iphone killers. The GC900 is dubbed as Viewty II and probably lg's best shot at the touchscreen market. ..."

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