Pop pundit: Social Network' this generation's Citizen Kane'? - Sacramento Bee (Aldbrough St John) Pop pundit: Social Network' this generation's Citizen Kane'? - Sacramento Bee (Aldbrough St John)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Pop pundit: Social Network' this generation's Citizen Kane'? - Sacramento Bee (Aldbrough St John)

Pop pundit: Social Network' this generation's Citizen Kane'? - Sacramento Bee
Last weekend enough people liked director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin's "The Social Network" to bump it to the top box office spot with a take of about $23 million. The so-called "Facebook movie" is less about the impact of the Web site and
Source: www.sacbee.com

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Motorola, AT&T Announce Three New Android Phones - PC Magazine
SAN FRANCISCO - Motorola and AT&T on Tuesday announced three new Google Android-powered smartphones, each with a different look: the Bravo, the Flipout, and the Flipside. While none of them are "super phones," all three offer a unique twist on the Android
Source: www.pcmag.com

Motorola DROID R2-D2 “R2 Is Coming” Mini Movie - Zimbio
DROID R2-D2 will be available online is finally here!!! It will come packaged in a custom box resembling carbonite and will also include a Star Wars media dock and wired stereo headset. In addition, the DROID R2-D2 will come preinstalled with a handful of
Source: www.zimbio.com

Microsoft sues Motorola over alleged Android patent infringement - Examiner
If you can't beat 'em, sue 'em. Or perhaps Steve Ballmer is just upset at how Android (and iPhone)  affected his bonus  this year. Microsoft said on Friday that it has a patent action with the International Trade Commission (ITC) and the U.S. District
Source: www.examiner.com

AT&T debuts trio of Motorola Android phones: Bravo, Flipout and Flipside - engadget
Looking to get an Android device on AT&T? Then you're soon going to have a few more options to consider -- the carrier has just announced three new Android-based phones from Motorola. Those include the touchscreen-only Bravo (not to be confused with the
Source: www.engadget.com

Microsoft, Motorola Patent Battle: A Lose-Lose-Lose Proposition - PC World
Microsoft is taking Motorola to court with allegations that its Android smartphones violate a number of Microsoft patents. It is hard to tell if the real target is Motorola, or Android itself, but one thing seems certain--patent suits as a product strategy
Source: www.pcworld.com

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